Prevent Shortages of Cleaning Supplies and Maintain Excellent Service Standards  

You receive a call from a member of staff, grumbling about the cleaning supplies running out at the site, rendering them unable to carry out their duties. With a dependable inventory management software you can ensure that your employees always have the equipment and supplies to deliver a first-class cleaning service.

cleaning supply management
cleaning supply management

How To Manage Your Cleaning Supplies

CleanManager helps you keep track of your cleaning supplies. You gain the ability to easily monitor and record all your cleaning supplies, including cleaning agents, tools, equipment, and other products. By utilising your inventory management, you get an immediate overview of your supplies, reducing the risk of errors and avoiding issues of shortages or excess materials. Say goodbye to inventory-related headaches and welcome a smoother operation with our inventory tracking solution.

Keep All Product Inquiries in One Place

CleanManager gives you the necessary functionality to keep your cleaning supplies fully stocked. When your employees are running low on cleaning supplies, they can request them directly in the CleanManager app. This eliminates the need for coordinating inquiries through multiple channels like email, texts or sticky notes. You save valuable time and get a streamlined process to handle all your product inquiries - simple and hassle-free.

order cleaning products
data sheets cleaning
data sheets cleaning

Simple and Secure Management of Datasheets

Eliminate any lingering concerns about safety data sheets or product descriptions that are scattered or outdated across different locations. Your employees can access them directly through the CleanManager app ensuring that they always have these essential resources at their fingertips. This also makes it easier to update data sheets, saving you the hassle of repeatedly printing them out.

Cleaning Supplies Consumption Statistics

Are you keeping track of the expenses on cleaning products? You can easily generate statistics on inventory, consumption patterns, and costs for customers, areas, etc. This valuable information will assist you in making informed decisions about future purchases and resource allocation, ensuring that your material expenses are adequately covered.

statistics on the consumption of cleaning products
statistics on the consumption of cleaning products
statistics on the consumption of cleaning products
"Ordering supplies has become much easier compared to using all those sticky notes. It’s a really big help for us."
Berith Fløjborg, Leader of the cleaning service in Kerteminde Kommune

Read more customer testimonials

Useful Features to Make Your Everyday Easier

customer and staff management
Customer and staff management
workhours overview
Workhours overview
Send message
Reminders and messages
keys and codes
Keys and codes

Personal Customer Support

If you have any questions about our supply management system, we’re here to help! Our friendly support team is available to assist you, free of charge, during our opening hours. Feel free to reach out to us via phone or email.

See our user guides

Try All the Features in CleanManager for Free for 14 Days

Take the first step towards a more streamlined cleaning business - get a handle on your cleaning supplies storage today.

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